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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My 1st Blog post

Okay finally I got my own blog up today! It only took my all day (it's 1/4 to 4pm now) to get it started but I did it. I hope it becomes a success because I'm not very good at this. I have two close friends that have their own blog so Im excited to be sharing it with them soon. I'm not sure what my main focus on here will be but as for now I am TTC and looking into buying a house. For those of you that don't get my abbreviations it's okay to ask or just never mind. Since I am for the most part a private person I would like to try and keep some of it while having a blog at the same time. I expect this experience to be therapeutic and personally enriching. I am very excited to learn the benefits of this experience and plan on sharing that wealth with my fellow bloggers also.  I like to be funny and will try to make this page as entertaining as I can while at the same time capturing my individual tastes. So beware all that personally know me because you might learn a side of me you never imagined was me.  Well not really, LOL but I do wish to expand my network of friends. Anyway thanx Katie for getting me to start this and I hope it is up to your expectations. The only other person that is allowing this blog possible is this little guy. I had a real hard time getting him to sleep for some reason I don't know yet. So this is the only way I was able to get him to sleep. As I was rocking him (as he requested) he got upset and threw his sippy cup. I couln't find it in plain sight and blurted in frustration that he lost it under the bed. So I plopped him on the chair, got on my hands and knee's and reached far under the bed for it. Then handed it to him with a sturn finger in front of his face and poker face of my own saying "go to sleep Everett, you go to sleep now". I kept that face while rocking him with my other finger  until thankfully (and shockingly) he fell asleep. I put him in bed so he would sleep longer but now he's awake which seems too soon already. 1/4 to 2pm is when this pick was taken, is that a long enough nap?

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